As Front and Centre Productions, Inc. begins its seventh year in the Moshannon Valley, we proudly introduce the launch of the IMAGINE-INSPIRE-INVEST Community Capital Campaign for the Arts. Our organization is growing quickly, and in order to continue to achieve our mission, our Board of Directors has secured a new physical location at 105 Elizabeth Street, Osceola Mills. This new facility will be The Front and Centre Productions Community Arts Center. The mission of Front and Centre Productions is to present high-quality performing arts experiences for the cultural education, entertainment, and inspiration of the Moshannon Valley communities; to foster and develop artistic talents and skills of all participants; and to encourage public appreciation of the theatre arts and to develop future audiences and supporters of the arts. We ask that you play a part by offering your support to continue our performing arts programs and experiences for the Moshannon Valley communities by making a tax-deductible donation. This year, more than ever, we need your support! This IMAGINE-INSPIRE-INVEST Community Capital Campaign for the Arts offers the following contribution opportunities:
Three-Year Monthly Pledge
One-Year Monthly Pledge
One-Time Pledge Gift
Below you will see the IMAGINE-INSPIRE-INVEST Community Capital Campaign for the Arts Pledge Card as a reference as you determine your pledge. You can click the INVEST NOW button at the top or bottom of this page to make your contribution. Front and Centre Productions, Inc. is depending on your assistance and generosity. Upon receipt of your donation, you will receive a thank you letter, which will also serve as validation of your kind support of Front and Centre Productions. In return for your tax-deductible donation, your generosity will be recognized with your name visible on a wall plaque at the new location. Thank you for your consideration and continued support.
Artistically Yours, Jeannine Hanes and Diane Switala Co-Chairs, IMAGINE-INSPIRE-INVEST Community Capital Campaign for the Arts